Background Stuart Michael Associates (SMA) was tasked with undertaking a noise assessment to examine both the constraints on, and the impacts of, a...
Stuart Michael Associates has been commissioned by David Wilson Homes to install and maintain a network of diffusion tubes in Newbury to assess...
SMA carried out a number of assignments for Pinewood Film Studios in Buckinghamshire, including detailed design of the S278 roads, internal roads, a...
SMA has produced an Exemplar Travel Plan for a new development of 1,320 dwellings in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. SMA is a member of the Southern...
Design of Anaerobic Digestion Plant SMA, in partnership with Fox Owmby and Biogen Greenfinch, has designed and built an anaerobic digestion plant for...
Infrastructure Design SMA prepared the conceptual designs and obtained FIA and RACMSA approval for circuit improvement works at Copse Corner and the...
SMA has prepared school Travel Plans for a number of schools across Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Surrey. These have been in varying locations, from...
Transport Modelling Newbury Racecourse wished to develop land surplus to racing operations for 1,450 dwellings, a hotel and commercial uses. SMA...
Our experienced and qualified staff bring commercial awareness and a proactive approach to all commissions, which range from small scale sites to large urban extensions, strategic development and multi-million pound projects.
Whether you require an initial high-level appraisal, completion of technical reports to accompany a Planning Application or detailed design post consent, SMA have the capabilities to do it all.
Two Consents in Wales and Reserved Matters Approval